Friday 5 April 2013

The Perfect Match-Maker!

Is God the Perfect Match-Maker when it comes to finding a husband or a wife?  

Or Has God given men the responsibility to find and locate their wives?  

Given that, the scripture says, He who finds a wife FINDETH a good thing and it shows that the Lord is pleased with him (Proverbs 18:22).

Must you literally hear from God before you can go ahead to marry your spouse?  

Basically, do you require God’s permission before you can marry your spouse? 

Your comments are welcome, I would like you all to shed more lights before I offer my view/with biblical quotes.

-Myss Lafunky


  1. I do not think you need to hear directly from God before you choose a wife. Nevertheless, i believe elders placed above us in the name of our parents and elders in church depict steps to follow in order to get married. The bible clearly points out qualities of good husbands and wives and these things are there to take a look at before making a decision. I for one come from an Islamic background. Both parents married as Muslims and are now Christians. I feel what it takes is to make a choice and remain faithful to your choice. But then you need to make a choice based on the right reasons.

    1. Thank you Anonymous. I will address offer my overview soon.

  2. The bible says those that are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God... Therefore as a christain you should be led by God in every decision especially major decisions like marriage. It doesnt have to be an audible voice though, God has a way He speaks to each individual child so you don't have to despise the way God speaks to you. Prov.20:27 also says the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. This means it is only through the spirit of God that you really get to know somebody. I believe a word from God is also enough to sustain a relationship especially in trying times the word from God becomes a standard against the darts of the enemy. The importance of hearing from God cannot be overemphasied either before getting attracted or after.
    But God will never force anybody on you. It is not by force, you have a free will. Salvation is not by force neither is marrying God's will.
    However,we need to watch and pray. Watching involves looking for character traits, family background, etc and taking them to God in prayer and also prayerfully addressing issues. This is what makes a successful relationship. Many unbelievers have happy relationships cause they watch and make wise decisions. However as believers, we should not just have happy relationships but fulfilled one. This is why you need to hear God.

    1. Thank you Ife. I will offer my overview soon.

  3. The day you get married is when your new life starts or begins to end, don't make such a decision without God's guidance. I saw a post about this ( and I wanna believe that it addressed this issue to a good extent, be free to check it out.

    1. Thank you Twale for your comment.
      I have checked out the link. This is the summary of the person's view:

      "So, my dear Princes and Princesses of Zion, you do not have a soul mate. There is not one particular person God destined you to marry either. Just find a genuine God fearing born again partner who you like and are equally yoked with".

      "STOP waiting for the one. He/she does not exist. I mean, imagine if it was true, we live in the world, not Heaven. People die, people lose their salvation, people become gay, so what if your soul mate died when they were a teenage or is now gay or an atheist, will God still expect you to marry him/her or are there some soul mates on reserve benches? NO!!!".

      I'm not sure if I completely agree with her. I will share my view soon.

    2. I agree with the quoted words. Proverbs 18:22 talks about finding 'A' wife not 'HIS/the' wife. Proverbs 31:10-31 points out what makes a 'wife of noble character'. he who finds such a lady for a wife receives favour from the Lord. (I am the 1st anonymous above).

    3. Thank you Bernardo. So, it is the role of the man to find a wife.
