Monday 26 January 2015

Working Towards Being an Ephesians 5 Man

Sequel to the post about readiness to marriage, please click this link for the post. It would appear that the audience for the readiness to marriage post could be linked to single women.

Today, I want to focus on our men. As I was studying my Bible, God told me that, young men and older men should be taught about "The Ephesians 5 Man." If they choose to marry, they must work on being an Ephesians 5 Man, and after marriage, they are to continue to work towards being an Ephesians 5 Man.

Who is an Ephesians 5 Man?

  • A Man that has given his life to Christ
  • A Man that understands what the Lord wants from him
  • A Man that is not thoughtless but think carefully before he makes any decision
  • A Man that has taken his time to understand sexual purity, what it means to be a Man and what God expects of him
  • A Man that works, a Man that can provide for his family
  • A man that has taken his time to understand what God's love is about and how Christ wants him to love his wife and children
  • A Man that spends time with the word of God
  • A Man that has a stable mind, he is not tossed from one view to another
  • A Man that can stand on his own views
  • A Man that strives to live a holy life unto God, and he is quick to examine the way he is living his life
  • A praying Man and a discipline man
  • A Man that takes his time to understand women.
Once you are working towards the above, implementing the scriptures below should be straight forward with the help of the Holy Spirit.

"For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a Man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church" - Ephesians 5:25-29

You can use some of the points that I raised above to pray for your husband, your fiancé, you can also use it as a checklist to assess the men that are trying to ask for your hand in marriage.

Husbands, if you are loving your wife as Christ loved the Church, your wife will likely follow you to the ends of the earth, strive to meet your needs and submit to your headship with joy. Please remember that she is an heir with you of the grace of life (1Peter 3:7). She is an asset to you. It could be argued that too much emphasis on the role of the wife in marriage, with little instruction given to the husband's role is wrong and will lead to abuse.

So here is my question to you men: "Are you an Ephesians 5 Man?" That is your high and holy calling from God to your wife. To those preparing for marriage, pray to God to make you an Ephesians 5 Man, start working towards being an Ephesians 5 Man. 

Have a lovely week ahead.

- Myss Lafunky
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Tuesday 20 January 2015

10 Points to Consider on Christian Service

There is one thing to serve God or to be eager to serve God, the question is: "Is your service acceptable to God?" I plead with you to take your time to read my write-up below. I'm convinced it will make you examine your life. Feel free to share it with your friends, your groups, in your gatherings, etc.

Are you serving God because it is the cool thing to do? Are you serving God because you grew up around people serving God? Have you ever asked yourself if your service is accepted by God? 

I have always been zealous and diligent in serving God, however, there have been times that I have served God by being a people-pleaser and there are times that I have served God with grumbling and complaining. There was also a time that I served God without a direction from God. God has opened my eyes to what it means to serve Him acceptably. It would be selfish if I fail to share it with you my readers and followers

Is Your Service Acceptable to God? 

1) The Word of God says in Hebrews 12:28 that, "since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and SERVE God ACCEPTABLY with reverence and awe (in a way that is pleasing to God)."

Are you serving God in a holy way? 

Are you sure your service is acceptable unto God? 

Have you asked God if the service that you are rendering is acceptable? Did you know that the whole purpose of our existence is to SERVE and worship God ACCEPTABLY.

Are you aware that, God wanted the people of Israel to be released by Pharaoh so that they can serve Him? 
Exodus 8:1 says that: "And the Lord spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, let my people go, that they may SERVE me."

God also said in Exodus 4:22-23 that "And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn; And I say unto thee, let my son go, that he may SERVE me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn."

Can you see how service is very important to God? 

Another story is when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon needed wise men to serve in his palace. He requested for the men to be trained for three years, to be without blemish, skilful in all wisdom, and after their three years' training, they will then be able to serve in the palace (Daniel 1:3-5). It shows that the King wanted quality service from the wise men. Now, if an earthly King wanted quality service and wanted them to be trained, what do you think God will require of you? 

2) There were several instances in which God rejected the SERVICE of his PEOPLE. This means our SERVICE can be rejected by God.

The Bible says about the two eldest sons of Aaron who were consecrated by Moses as priests of the most high God.

The Bible says in Leviticus 10:1-3 that Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron took their censers, and put fire in them, and added incense, and they offered strange and unauthorised fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not/contrary to the Lord's command. And there went a fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.  Oh dear!!!! That means as a leader, a priest, you must ensure that you are commanded by God to offer a service to the Lord and the service must be what God wants for you.

What went wrong with the service of Nadab and Abihu, the priests? They offered strange fire which the Lord commanded them not to. They offered service that they were not led by God to offer, which suggests that we must be LED by God in the service that we offer to God at all times. The Word of God must guide us.

3) We are to serve God in the spirit. The Bible says that, those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth? Are you worshipping and serving God in Truth? Or Are you serving God out of pretence?

To serve God in the spirit means to practice love, kindness, endurance, goodness, meekness, faithfulness, joy, peace and self-control in your work. 

To serve God in the spirit means you deny yourself of what your natural body wants to do and allow God to lead you. Let God lead you in the way He wants you to serve Him.

Recently, God led me to start attending a particular church, He told me the PURPOSE and the SERVICE that I am to render at the church. The way God told me about the church was incredibly amazing. Initially, I was reluctant to listen to His instruction, however, I reminded myself of the purpose of my existence, which is to PLEASE God and to SERVE God ACCEPTABLY. It would have been my loss if I failed to listen to God even if humans praised me. I therefore believe that it was wise of me to follow God's leading and serve where He wants me to serve. Do I regret following His leading? A definite No!
4) For your service to be acceptable, you must be FAITHFUL. God said in 1 Corinthians 4:2 that Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

What does it mean to be faithful? 

It means to be loyal, to be true, to be trustable, to be dependable, and to be accurate. Are you loyal in the way you are serving God? Even when you spend one to one time with God, are you loyal? Would God be proud to say that you are a loyal and faithful child? 

5) You are to serve God with SINCERITY and in TRUTH. You have to make that CHOICE to SERVE God in SINCERITY and in TRUTH.

The book of Joshua 24:14a states that: "Now therefore, FEAR the Lord, SERVE HIM in sincerity and in truth."
v15 states that, Joshua said that, as for me and my house, we will SERVE the Lord. Are the members of your household SERVING the Lord acceptably? Do you ensure your children serve the Lord acceptably? Children are never too young to be taught how to serve God acceptably. In fact they can be given tasks in church or in the community (when you are helping others or evangelising as a family, and you can encourage them to share the Good news with their friends). Remember, Samuel started serving the Lord as a child.

6) You are to serve God with ZEAL. Be honest with yourselves, ask yourself, do I serve God with enthusiasm? Does my action show that I serve God with zeal?

I used to be late to church, I gave different excuses for my lateness, God made me realise that, I was not seeing His work as important, thus my service won't be accepted as I was taking His work with levity. God asked me to ponder on a question: "Lafunky, if you were going to catch a plane, would you be late to the airport? Would you constantly miss your flights?" 

Psalm 69:7 states that, David was consumed by zeal. Do you know what it means to be consumed? It means, he was thorough with God's service. He gave it ALL. He DEVOTED all.
Psalm 69:7 says that : "For it is for your sake that I have borne reproach, that dishonour has covered my face.  I have become a stranger to my brothers, an alien to my mother's sins.  For ZEAL for your HOUSE has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach me have fallen on me."

7) For your service to be accepted, your life must be WORTHY and Blameless unto God. You must strive towards pleasing the Lord at all times. You must be quick to turn away from your sinful habits and lifestyle. You must be quick to seek help with your sinful habits.

DON'T BE SERVING the Lord while SINKING in Sin. Your service would not be accepted even if you are praised by people. DON'T serve God and grumble about others, don't serve God and lust after women/men in your mind, don't serve God and beat your wife/husband, don't serve God and live in fornication, don't serve God because of what someone would say. CHOOSE to SERVE GOD in HOLINESS and in FAITH. Let the way you live your life be PLEASING to God.

How would you know what is PLEASING, Good and ACCEPTABLE to God? It is when you take time every day to study God's Word. When you consciously discipline yourself to practise what the Word of God says and when you tell the HOLY SPIRIT to help you.

Ephesians 1:4 says that, God chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. To be blameless is to live without fault in God's eyes.
8) For your service to be acceptable, you must serve the Lord with GLADNESS and JOY. Regardless of the circumstances that come our way, God wants us to rejoice before Him, trust in Him and worship Him.

Psalm 100:2 says that: "Serve the Lord with gladness.

King David showed us how the service of the Lord should be done with joy. The book of 2 Samuel 6:13-15 states that: 

"And it was so, that when they that bare the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings. And David DANCED before the Lord with ALL his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with SHOUTING, and with the SOUND of the trumpet."- How amazing is that?! I can visualise how David and His people were. 

9) Serve the Lord in humility. Your service will not be acceptable if you are proud. It is a privilege to serve God. Do not ever think that without you, the service of God will not continue. Do not think you have attained everything and so cannot submit yourself to anyone or you don't need to read your Bible.

Do not also think that you are MIGHTY and you cannot be corrected or you cannot associate with someone below you in the Christian faith. Do not think you won't be tempted or you won't ever fall into sin. You have to be watchful at all times so that the spirit of pride will not dwell in you.

God said that, we should be clothed with humility, for God resist the Proud, and give grace to the humble ( 1 Peter 5:5) . In fact, Jesus Christ said that, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart."- Matt 11:29. Cross check your life with Jesus Christ to see if you are humble.

10) Serve God because you love Him, and because you are looking forward to pleasing Him. Your service won't be accepted if your aim is to just please others and you missed the focus that it is for God.

Colossians 3:22-24 says that "Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."

Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free. (Ephesians 6:5-8 NKJV).

This is the time for you to evaluate your service to the Lord. Is it acceptable? 

Have a lovely week.

Be sociable and share this post with your friends.

- Myss Lafunky
If you have any questions, you can either leave a comment below or send an email to

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Friday 9 January 2015

You have been Called to Speak

Thank God it's Friday.  How has your week been?  As some of you may know, I usually share a post every Monday, this is a Special Edition.

I hope you are learning from Myss Lafunky's blogspot? I write for you to know the Light that lives in me. For you to know the Wonder Working Power of God through the articles that I share and for you to be transformed by God's Word.

Have you ever posted a comment on someone's picture on social media? Have you ever taken the time to express your opinion on an online review?  Some of us can write 2-3 pages of our dissatisfaction or why we like a product on an online site. Have you written an epistle in order to win a competition?
Majority of us are saying many things, putting our opinions and thoughts out there in the world for people to see, read and hear, particular when it comes to complaining.  Why are you then hesitant to share the Word of God? Why are you hesitant to share your views on a Christian blogspot .i.e.Myss Lafunky's blogspot and many other Christian blogspots.

"And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or their words...You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious"- Ezekiel 2:6-7. What's your understanding of this scripture? 

God is telling us that, we have been CALLED to SPEAK, we are to speak the words of life to people around us, whether they listen or fail to listen. Although it is much more comfortable to speak to those who will listen to us and to those who share our values and faith, however, God wants us to speak His Word whether people listen or not.

Do you know you can be very creative in speaking God's Words to people? You can do it informally, through your testimony, through analogies, through various examples, through your dressing, through the way you speak, amongst others.

On Monday, I shared a post in relation to holding our tongues. Yet, in the book of Ezekiel, the Lord told the prophet, "Do not be afraid of them, or their words,, You must speak my words to them." 

Tola and John learned to not say much at a recent party that they attended, organised by their friends. They avoided most gatherings in the past because of how their friends behaved, they pleaded being busy, however, this time they couldn't resist, they decided to attend.

At the party, Tola and John's friends made embarrassing comments about others and the people that they worked with.  They even made unpleasant comments about Tola and John, they teased them for being anti-social, they also teased them for having just one child. Tola and John's friends felt superior to them.

Tola and John did not respond with anger neither did they retaliate by speaking harshly. Tola and John could have kept quiet for fear of being attacked, however, they demonstrated God's love in their words and actions, they spoke kind words and reminded their friends of what God's Word says about 'our conversation being seasoned with Salt'.  To be sensitive, purposeful, gentle, complementary, thoughtful, and kind. 

Tola and John's friends slowly learned to interact in kind words. One of their friends contacted them after the gathering and said that, he was blessed by the kind way that they spoke God's Word to challenge the way they all spoke.

Tola and John were able to respond to their friends appropriately. They implemented the biblical scripture in 1 Peter 3:15 which states that "Be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence". They were able to say the right thing at the right time.

  • What would you do if you were in Tola and John's position? Would you have kept quite and grumbled about your friends afterwards? Would you address the issue immediately? Would you keep silent?

From the Bible passage that I quoted above, God wants us to hold on to Him and not be afraid.
He wants us to respond to issues, but not by attacking those who attack us, but by caring for them and speaking God's Word. Although some people may refer to you as a fanatic, do not be afraid, dare to be different for God wherever you are. It is so cool to stand up for God.

Final words from me, as individuals and believers, we need to ensure that we speak right words and also ensure that our words and actions work together to convict and convince people of God's love in us.

Let the light of God shine through your lifestyle. Speak the words even if people don't listen or fail to listen. Never stop speaking the words.

As you speak the word, remember what the Bible says: "If anyone does not stumble in what he or she says, he/she is a perfect person, able to bridle the whole body as well." (James 3:2).  

Questions for you to think about:

- If you or as a couple you are in a situation to speak God's Word, would you speak? Or would you refrain your spouse from speaking? 

- God wants us to look beyond all the obstacles and barriers that may prevent us from speaking. Are you ready to look beyond the barriers? 

- Have you identified what God wants you to speak to others about?

O Lord, set a guard over my mouth, keep watch over the door of my lips. Let me guard what comes out of my mouth (Psalm 141:3)

Enjoy your weekend. Remember if you have any questions, please send an email  to

-Myss Lafunky
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Tuesday 6 January 2015

Would You Keep Your Mouth Shut?

Hi Readers & Followers,

It's a New Year! How are you settling into the New Year? Have you met your target so far? Have you written down your vision for the Year? 
For one of my readers and followers, God wants me to tell you that He created the heaven and the earth in 6 days and He will sort out that particular issue in less than 5 days and all you need to do is to believe in Him and to sing praises unto God.

Today's topic is about holding our tongues.

Questions for you to think about: 

1) In what ways do talking too much affect your relationship? 

2) How would holding your tongue help you avoid sin? 

3) Does silence truly indicate wisdom, or is it sometimes another way we choose to keep malice and punish others? Can our silence be deadly?

Jo is married to Sarah, Jo complains about every thing around him, even at his place of work, he looks for things to complain and moan about. 

Jo gave his life to Christ over 5 years ago, yet he has not done away with grumbling and complaining that he struggled with in the past. Prior to giving his life to Jesus Christ,  he criticised and grumbled over every little thing that happened at home. Jo rededicated his life to Jesus Christ about a year ago, he made up his mind not to grumble about people around him and about his family. However, the grumbling continued. Jo and his wife argued so much that it affected their marriage and children so much that their 5 year old son has been known to bully other children in class.

Jo is vicious in verbally attacking his wife and children, he makes statements such as; " You are so stupid", " You are so dumb", "Are you blind?" Words like this cut so deep in Sarah. Over the course of the years, Sarah has learned to study the book of Proverbs in the Bible and started implementing what she had been studying. 

Recently, Sarah felt like responding to her husband harshly when he shouted but she used her discretion by not speaking to Jo when he spoke abruptly. Gradually, Jo calmed down as he realised that he was not getting any negative reactions from his family anymore. He has also learnt from reading his bible that, it is a fool that gets angry about things, and it is someone that lacks God's love and gratitude that complains and moan about things.
Reflect on This: Would you agree that it is always tempting to add our bits to an argument that would cause more problems? I have certainly been there; there have been situations that I added my voice to contentious issues which flared up and led me into trouble. 
I have also been in situations that I could have responded harshly, however, I kept quiet and I chose my words carefully before I responded. Guess what? I reaped the benefits as the issue was solved amicably. 

Do you know what the Bible says about holding your tongue? 

The book of Proverbs 10:19 says that: "when words are many, sin is not absent, but whoever restrains his or lips is wise."

How are you holding your tongue in conflicts and disagreements?

Proverbs 21:23 states that: "if you keep your mouth shut, you will stay out of trouble." In other words, if we say things that are not right or unkind things, it may come back and haunt us, and God is very likely not to be pleased with us when we get into trouble with our mouth. Furthermore, remember what the word of God says; God said that "we will give account of every idle word that comes out of our mouth". That is so scary, isn't it? I wonder how God would rate me on the idle words that have come out of my mouth and your mouth. 

The next time you find yourself grumbling, engaging in verbal altercations, and complaining, etc. Ask yourself,  are my words seasoned with love? Patience? kindness? Gentleness?  (Galatians 5:22-23) or are my words seasoned with hatred? Anger? Envy? Jealousy? Hurt? Pride? Resentment? Unforgiveness? Ingratitude?

Be wise and hold your tongue.

See you next week. Remember to share this blog with your friends and your social media friends.

Friday 2 January 2015

Highlights of the Year 2014: Happy New Year 2015 to Our Readers & Followers

Hi Readers & Followers,

Welcome to Year 2015.

Whatever country you reside or are currently visiting, I'm certain that it will be Year 2015 by now.

I bless God for keeping you and your loved ones to see the new year 2015. Let's not take God's Goodness for granted because some people would have wished to be able to rejoice and be jubilant on New Year's day but they are no more alive.

Highlights of Myss Lafunky's Blog in 2014.

The most viewed posts:

- Is Kissing and Romance a Sin during courtship?

- Don't Judge me, I'm in love and I do not kiss.

- I kept my virginity and not purity.

- My Marriage is based on lies: Can I Re-Marry?

The most sought after counsel: Staying Pure in courtship and dealing with different addictions.

My Appreciation Goes to You!
I would like to use this medium to say thank you to my committed readers & followers and thanks to those that have taken their time to send in complimentary messages to appreciate the work that I'm doing.

Thanks to other Christian blogs that have allowed me to share my blog posts with them and thank you to the other bloggers that are following me as part of their blog roll.

Appreciation also goes to the people that have commented on the posts and to those that have shared the links of the blogspot with their friends and social media friends.

I would like to thank those that have taken their time to share their personal stories with me.  I hope counsel and guidance from Myss Lafunky's Team have made a difference and transformed you for the better.

Finally, I would like to thank Myss Lafunky's team for Year 2014, obviously myself, Twale, Ifeoluwanimi and Tosin. We have also had a contribution from a Christian Grandmother in order to seek further guidance about a counsel that was sought.

Question to you
  • What has been your highlights on Myss Lafunky's blog post?
  • Do you have a particular post that has inspired you? Or a post that you felt was very informative?
For this Year, Myss Lafunky's welcomes you to share your stories, comments, feedbacks or any topics that you would like us to treat in this New Year.
You can send your email to

- Myss Lafunky
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