Thursday 28 May 2015

Boost Your Strength In The Lord:Be Encouraged In the Lord

Hi Readers & Followers,

How is your week going? Are you feeling discouraged about something? or Do you know anyone that is feeling discouraged?

Kindly click on this:' overcoming discouragement', it explains ways for you to overcome discouragement.

The Bible says if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small (Proverbs 24:10). Do you want to faint or overcome? Never give up on what you are waiting for God to do. Even if it has failed, I trust God that you will recover all in Jesus name.  Jesus knows that you can handle it, that's why you are going through it. 

Hold unto what God is saying and be encouraged. Listen to the right gospel music to encourage yourself, seek advice from others so as to be encouraged, tell God to help you to sift the advice that you are offered so that you do not go on the wrong path and remember to stay positive, ask God to build your strength for you. 

Remember to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10). Encourage yourself in the Lord; your problem is not so big. Put it in perspective and check what the Word of God is saying about it. Remember not to magnify your problem.

Use the Word of God to encourage yourself. If you are not familiar with the Bible. Google is very good. To illustrate: You can Google 'What does the Bible say about not having enough money, what does the Bible say about experiencing Favour'. I trust Google to help you to find biblical scriptures.

Finally, remember that there's no temptation that has overtaken you that is not common to other human beings. God is faithful and He will bring you out of it (1 Corinthians 10:13). This means, there is a way of escape. Pretty soon, there will be an amazing message and testimony in your life.

I look forward to your testimony

Be Encouraged.  Boost your strength in the Lord. If you need to contact Myss Lafunky, please send an email to

- Myss Lafunky

Monday 25 May 2015

You Are Exceptional

Happy New Week to You All!

To our UK readers, enjoy your Bank holiday today and to our readers in Nigeria, we empathise with you in relation to the fuel scarcity that is affecting the country. I pray the Lord Jesus will influence the leaders to make good changes.

Today's Write-up is a Guest Post from one of my ardent readers. He previously wrote a post about what a man wants in a woman. Click here for the post. His write-up today is to remind us all how exceptional we are as Christians.

Please take 3 minutes to read the post below and remember to share it with others as sharing is caring.

You Are Exceptional!

What makes you exceptional? Do you know what the Bible means when it says you are the light of the world?

What Do You Understand by the Light?

In the book of Genesis 1:1-5, God said let there be light and there was light. When you read this verse, it is easy to think in the terms of light (day & night). For those of us that live in Nigeria, we can also translate it into when PHCN takes and brings light in order to understand the verse (I know what you’re thinking). However, when you pay closer attention to the Bible and how it references the light you will notice that it goes deeper than that surface understanding. I must admit prior to when I was taught, I never thought of it this way.

Tip: “There is a correlation between what happened in the Old Testament and what happened in the New Testament.”

At the beginning of every new generation, the verse Genesis 1:3 comes alive again. Isn’t that exciting? Isn’t that amazing? Each generation is lit differently from the previous generation. That is why the Joshua generation was different from the Moses generation and are still relevant in today’s society. They were lit in such a way that their light has shone through generations (Matt. 5:16). That is why younger generations adapt faster to changes in society, technology etc.

This is because we are lit differently from the older generation and are born with a different mentality. If all generations were born into this world with the same mentality, would the world have advanced the way it has?

The light as referenced refers to Benchmark, Knowledge, Vision, Quality, Standard, Yardstick, Point of Reference and Target. So if this light refers to a standard, yardstick, knowledge etc., who is the light by which we are to judge ourselves as children of God? Jesus Christ.

Who is the Light (John 1:1-14)?

The light is Jesus Christ (He is the Light that lights up every man). That is why God sent Him to this world. To show us the standard we are expected to set as God’s children. Without Jesus Christ, how would you know the standard you are expected to live by?
Let’s have a look at John. 1:4: “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men”. The light means the life or character of Jesus Christ. The standard by which men are to live their lives. This means that when we talk about the light, we are talking about the life of Christ and how He lived while He was on earth. The standards He set through His responses to various situations. For example, as Christians, we tend to suffer from identity crisis (knowing who we are in God) and that is why we fall into temptation. Consider when the devil tempted Jesus in Matthew 4 or when He spoke to the storm in Mark 4:35-41. These stories show us that as children of God, the standard at which we are meant to be operating by, we can rebuke the devil and we can calm the storms (literally!).

Now, relating back to Genesis 1, when God said let there be light, He was in effect saying that Jesus Christ was the antidote (the injection (I know I know…..people don’t like injections) to cure the sickness) to the decadence (sin) in the world.
As such, John 14:6, 9:5 and 8:12 bear testament to God’s intention from the beginning (in Gen. 1).
  • 9:5 “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world
  • 8:12 “…I am the light of the world, He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life”.
  • 14:6 “…I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”.

All along, Jesus kept telling people that He is the standard to live by; His character is what we as children of God should be targeting. As such, if we are to make heaven we have to go through Jesus. We have to live our lives at the standard Jesus did benchmarking ourselves according to what He did and how He walked while He was on earth. So whenever you find yourself in a situation, ask yourself this question: What Would Jesus Do?

How does this Relate to Us?

When you think about the human mind, it can either be knowledgeable or ignorant. The bible in Hosea 4:6 says “my people perish for a lack of knowledge…” For the physics inclined people, light is a knowledge spectrum through which we are to view the world and without this light, we will perish. That is why John 1:4 says ‘the darkness cannot comprehend it’ (ignorance can never survive where there is knowledge). So another way of reading Hos. 4:6 is to say “my people perish for a lack of the light, the light being Jesus Christ, the bringer of knowledge.
Earlier on I mentioned the Joshua generation. Heard of the Joshua generation? They were the coolest generation ever. Now who is the Joshua generation that they are still relevant over 2000 years after? Num. 14:6-8.

The Joshua generation is the generation that knows who they are, who they are in Christ and as a result of that knowledge, can go out and take possession of the land (Deut. 1:8).

They are the coolest generation ever. If you go down to Num. 14:10, you will see the reaction of darkness when the light shines through. Let me share a life experience:
I remember when I just joined my current place of work, my colleagues and I went out as a form of bonding session. When the time came to order drinks, I and some colleagues asked for a soft/energy drink, instantly someone refused and insisted we all had to drink alcohol. Even went the length of pressuring us to which I resisted; the reaction I got was: in this business, if you don’t drink alcohol you won’t go far. Don’t worry I still didn’t drink the alcohol. Thank God.
Has there been a time you took a stand as a Christian? What was the reaction you got? When faced with a similar circumstance, what will you do? The reward for been a part of this generation is in v24.

In rounding up (I just had to put it; a good preacher rounds up before finally rounding up lol), we are called to be a Joshua generation, a chosen generation (1Pet. 2:9). Matt. 5:14-16 gives us the charge by which we are to live by as members of the Joshua generation, the generation which has seen the light and received it.

  • Matt. 5:14…”You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven”.

So in rounding up (see what I did here), the charge is simple, as children of God, do not hide yourselves so people do not make fun of you. Instead stand out and let people know who you are and what you stand for; that way you can be the standard by which others will want to live their lives and in doing so, win souls for God.

Do you now know why you are exceptional?

Do you now know what it means to be the light of the world?

-       Sage

About the authorSage is a graduate of Human Resource Management and a 24/7 salesman. A clay in the hands of the Potter, he is on a journey to knowing God and becoming the man God has called him to be. He has a passion for football and society at large. In his quest for knowledge, he has recently restarted his passion for reading books. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Are You Sure You Are In The Light?

Happy Weekend to You!

Enjoy your weekend to the fullest. Hope you had a lovely week. 

As you read the short message below, I would like you to focus on yourself when you read it and also pray for yourself after you have read it.

"Those who say that they are in the light but hate other believers are still in the dark. Those who love other believers live in the light. 
Nothing will destroy the faith of those who live in the light. Those who hate other believers are in the dark and live in the dark. They don’t know where they’re going, because they can’t see in the dark. (1 John 2:9-11 GW)."

God said that narrow is the way that leads to heaven but wide is the gate that leads to hell which leads to destruction. Only those who believe and abide in Christ until the end shall be saved/enter the narrow way.

Are You In The Light? Does Christ shine through your lifestyle? 
Do you struggle to live the life that God wants you to live? Feel free to send an email to 

I'm excited about the guest post that will be published on the blog on Monday. Please, watch out for it.  Remember, Myss Lafunky welcomes inspiring Christian writers to publish their work on the blog. Feel free to send an email to

Myss Lafunky

Monday 18 May 2015

Let's Celebrate | Let's Praise God

Hi Readers & Followers, 

Happy New Week. Permit me to use the word 'happy'; it is positive affirmation which would manifest in our actions. 

To my committed readers, I hope you have not abandoned my blog. I'm sure you would have noticed that I had not published any articles for the last two weeks. I actually did not know what to publish, hence the delay. I kept asking God what He wanted me to share with you, however, I did not hear anything. This morning, God spoke to me and said that I should remind the readers and followers to consciously celebrate and give praise to Him. 

There is an account in the Bible of ten lepers that Jesus healed (Luke 17:11-19); though they were happy to be healed, nine of them did not return to give thanks to Jesus. They did not praise God for their healing, neither did they demonstrate any form of thanksgiving. The Samaritan leper (a foreigner in the city) was the only one who returned to give thanks to God and Jesus commended him (Luke 17:19). How do you think Jesus would have felt? Jesus must have been grieved over the ingratitude of the other nine, hence it was recorded in the Bible.
The book of Psalm 105:1 states that we should "Give Praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what He has done." I would like you all to declare, to testify and make known to the world what God has done in your life and what He is still doing. Don't be like the nine lepers and ignore what God has done in your life and in the lives of your family.

If you cannot think of anything to thank God for, let me help you. 

  1. Thank God for preserving your life; for allowing you to sleep and wake up.
  2. Thank God for preserving you from trouble.
  3. Thank God for numerous favour that you have received.
  4. Thank God for your salvation.
  5. Thank God for your family.
  6. Thank God for what He is doing and what He will do.
Do you know that whenever Jesus was going to make a request to God, He gave thanks? Jesus Christ is the perfect model to us, He exhibited a life of thanksgiving. When Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, He gave thanks first (Matthew 26:27). When Jesus fed the 5000 with two loaves and five fish, He gave thanks before making His request known (John 6:11). Finally, at the grave of Lazarus, after they took away the stones at the place where Lazarus was laid, Jesus gave thanks, He said: "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me and I know that you always hear me" (John 11:41). 

I would like to use this medium to thank God for the wondrous blessings that come with being a child of God. There are times that I have experienced unexpected favour from people. I bless God for the gift of life and protection during the many trips that I undertake on a regular basis. I also praise God for the things that He is doing, I'm looking forward to how God will bless the people around me with great jobs, awesome spouses and permanent healing from illnesses.

Let's chat..

A.    Name three wonderful things that God has done in your life.

B.     If you would like to take it further, you can mention some of the blessings that you have enjoyed as a result of your salvation in Christ. This is crucial to share with new believers or those that are considering whether they should give their lives to Christ.

C.     Finally, create at least 30 minutes today to praise God without asking Him for anything. I have done it too. I gave God praise for an hour.

- Myss Lafunky

If you have any questions or you need counsel, please send an email to Myss Lafunky's blog would like to request inspiring Christian writers to publish their Christian articles here on Myss Lafunky's blogspot in line with the vision of the blog which is centred around the 3R's (Relationship with God, Relationship with People and Relationship with your loved ones). 

Photo Credit:

Saturday 9 May 2015

Let's Chat | What is Christian Worship?

Hi Readers and Followers,

I would like to know your view about a topic that I discussed recently with a few of my friends. When you think of the word 'worship', what comes to your mind? How do you worship God? What is your understanding of worship? 

This is my view
Worship is not a genre or style of music.
Worship is not a 15 minutes prelude to the Sunday Service.
Worship is not something to get a crowd warmed up.
Worship is not when you play the instruments.
Worship is not a slow song or upbeat song.
Worship is not music.

What then is worship? 

Worship is when everything that we do returns praise back to God. Worship is a lifestyle that is pleasing to God, and a sacrifice that we undertake to the glory of God.

Worship is when our emotions, thoughts, words and actions please to God.

Once worship is part of your daily life of pleasing God, it will take the whole idea of music out of the picture. Nonetheless, when you dedicate yourself to God and you choose to engage in music that glorifies God, this can also been seen as worship.

What worshipping entails can be found in the below Bible scripture
"So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer. ( This denotes that if we do not offer this type of worship, we would be offering a FALSE worship, right?).

Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect. (Romans 12:1-2 GNT)"

Isn't it interesting that the Bible specifies "singing and making melody with our hearts"as singing to the Lord ( Ephesians 5:18-19)? I am just wondering why God did not refer to worship as singing unto Him in the Bible or did He? 

Let's chat, what's your view about christian worship? 

- Myss Lafunky