Thursday 28 May 2015

Boost Your Strength In The Lord:Be Encouraged In the Lord

Hi Readers & Followers,

How is your week going? Are you feeling discouraged about something? or Do you know anyone that is feeling discouraged?

Kindly click on this:' overcoming discouragement', it explains ways for you to overcome discouragement.

The Bible says if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small (Proverbs 24:10). Do you want to faint or overcome? Never give up on what you are waiting for God to do. Even if it has failed, I trust God that you will recover all in Jesus name.  Jesus knows that you can handle it, that's why you are going through it. 

Hold unto what God is saying and be encouraged. Listen to the right gospel music to encourage yourself, seek advice from others so as to be encouraged, tell God to help you to sift the advice that you are offered so that you do not go on the wrong path and remember to stay positive, ask God to build your strength for you. 

Remember to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10). Encourage yourself in the Lord; your problem is not so big. Put it in perspective and check what the Word of God is saying about it. Remember not to magnify your problem.

Use the Word of God to encourage yourself. If you are not familiar with the Bible. Google is very good. To illustrate: You can Google 'What does the Bible say about not having enough money, what does the Bible say about experiencing Favour'. I trust Google to help you to find biblical scriptures.

Finally, remember that there's no temptation that has overtaken you that is not common to other human beings. God is faithful and He will bring you out of it (1 Corinthians 10:13). This means, there is a way of escape. Pretty soon, there will be an amazing message and testimony in your life.

I look forward to your testimony

Be Encouraged.  Boost your strength in the Lord. If you need to contact Myss Lafunky, please send an email to

- Myss Lafunky

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