Sunday 20 July 2014

What Happens When Older Women Do Not Mentor: God's High Calling for AllChristian Women

Hi readers and followers,

I have been reading a book by Shirley Sustar (Become a woman of Power), I would like to share my learning and thought provoking points that were discussed in the book with you.

What happens when older women do not mentor younger women? Ask yourself, am I mentoring younger women? Or are you thinking "I must be 70 before I am considered an older woman". Not at all, as long as you have people younger than you, the ministry of mentoring young women can start.

Throughout the Church today, perhaps through ignorance rather than disobedience, many older women are not answering the call of God to mentor the younger women. Due to traditions, mind-sets and insecurities, this is simply the way it has been. Some feel that they don't have anything to offer, some are of the view that they need to be given a special title in church before they can undertake the calling, and some feel that the role is only for the Pastor or the Pastor's wife.

Because of this, it has been far too common for male ministers to counsel, reach and train young Christian women concerning relationships and ministries. When this happens, an inherent danger raises its ugly head: the danger of sexual sin.

I'm sure most of us have heard of stories of great men of God who were called to look after the flocks but along the line, they fell into sexual sins.  

Majority of this men who are servants of God minister to women out of a sincere love and devotion to God's service and many pastors do not have older women who are mature and able to train the younger women of their churches. Or it could be argued that, some pastors want to carry out all the role of mentoring by themselves.

Is it really the role of men to minister to young women? No!! Paul admonished Titus to tell people of Crete that older women are to counsel younger women.

Why is it dangerous for men to counsel young women?

Women whose hearts have been misunderstood or broken often crave tender understanding from the opposite sex. A male minister who is gentle and compassionate toward her could unknowingly capture her heart and from one thing to another, the minister and the young woman may stumble. In majority of cases, the personal ministry from a man to a woman without the presence of another woman that joins in the mentoring does more harm than good.
It is TIME for OLDER WOMEN to mentor the YOUNGER WOMEN.

What does it mean to mentor?

It means to be a wise and trusted person. A person who is a teacher, an educator, an instructor, someone who can counsel, who can lead and train others, a godly woman, a woman who lives by example of what she teaches.

God is calling you to lay aside every fear, every anxiety and He wants you to take on the role of mentoring by being a Titus 2:3-5 woman.

There are young women who need a mentor, a mentor who not only shows them the way but rather encourage them and praise them for what they are doing right.

Undertaking this task will bring young women into maturity in Christ, it will also motivate you as an older woman to live a life that is right before God.

The role encompasses spiritual and practical teachings.

Are you a Titus 2:3-5 woman?

I want to use this medium to thank all the women that have undertaken the role of Titus 2:3-5 woman in my life. Some are still undertaking the role in my life. God will reward you for all your labour. The blessing will be passed to your children as well. Your children will find people to mentor them in the way of the Lord.
I also thank God for the Grace that He has given me to also be a Titus woman to other people's lives.

Jesus said, "The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the labourers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust labourers into His harvest".

I pray God will grant women the boldness to become a Titus woman.

Tips on becoming a Titus woman ...

Build relationships with younger women. Get to know them.

Ensure that your life is worthy of emulating and the lives of your family. You must be working towards being temperate, self-controlled, not quarrelsome, available, teachable, trustworthy, have a good reputation, you must be sincere, you must be able to manage your household well, you must be caring, you must be humble, and your life must be dedicated to honouring God.

Ensure that you are not quick to judge or condemn.

You must be friendly and approachable.

You must be a giver.

You must devote time to prayers.

You must follow-up on people.

You must be able to tame your tongue and not gossip and share private issues with others.

Do you have any tips that can help us in being a Titus 2:3-5 woman?
- Myss Lafunky


  1. Nice. I like and support.

    1. Thank you Opeyemi. It's being ages you stopped by on the blog. Hope all is well? You must be very busy.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tosin, having checked your profile, I'm able to see that you are fulfilling the Titus 2:3-5 role. The Lord will continue to guide you in Jesus name. You will never give wrong counsel in Jesus name. The Lord will continue to increase you in zeal, your ministry will cross across borders in Jesus name.

  3. This is a great piece
    I pray God helps us all to pattern our lives after him. true mentoring actually implies that we impart into others what we have learnt from Christ

    1. Amen. Thank you. I like that, true mentoring implies what we have learnt from Christ. It can also includes what we have learnt from our parents or personal experiences or from life in general.
