Monday 26 February 2018

I Feel A Shake In My Spirit When I...

I feel a shake in my Spirit when I call your Name. When you think of the name of Jesus Christ, what comes to your mind? What do you associate with the name of Jesus Christ?

Recently, I undertook a task with someone and when we arrived at our destination, both the individual and I were terrified by what we saw. However, the first thing that I did was to call on the name of Jesus Christ repeatedly as I had a strong belief that the name of Jesus Christ would protect  us and also lessen our fears. Guess what readers? The Lord took control of everything and our fears were gone and everything was alright. A confirmation that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ.

Last weekend, we had Todd Dulaney's song ("Your Great Name") on repeat at home. I also watched a review of Tasha Cobb Leonard's new gospel music album on YouTube, click here to watch the review. This two experiences coupled with my initial experience on calling the name of Jesus Christ triggered this post.

From my personal walk with God, I associate the following with the name of Jesus Christ:

- I feel protected when I call on the name of Jesus

- I feel at peace when I call on the name of Jesus Christ

- The name that saves

- The name that heals

- The name that forgives wrongs

- The only name and way to get to heaven

- I associate the name with compassion, mercy, kindness, truth and consuming fire

- The name that is Higher than any other name

- The name that causes demons to bow and tremble

- The name that delivers

- The name that makes all things possible

- The name that is associated with a sinless life.

- The name that is powerful

- The name that cares

- The name that is loving

- The name that gives clarity

- The name that reigns forever

- The name that reveals the secret and hidden things to His children

- The name that gives joy.

Let's Talk...

  1. What do you associate with the name of Jesus Christ?
  2. Do you have any experience with the name of Jesus Christ that you would like to share?

Enjoy this song by Todd Dulaney.

Have a lovely week! 

- Mysses Lafunky


  1. I associate Peace with the name of Jesus- Sage

    1. Thank you Sage. No wonder Jesus Christ said that He is the Prince of Peace.

  2. Halleluyah, no matter whatever the situation or circumstance is, at the name of Jesus I have no doubt that everything will be and is alright.


    1. Thank you Odazzle. This means, mentioning the name of Jesus gives us reassurance that He is with us always; thus all will be well with us.
