Sunday 30 November 2014

Are You A Proverbs 31 Man?

Happy Sunday Readers and Followers,

I would like to bring your attention to a new blog that I am following. I would like you to follow it as well. The link is below.

There's a post on the blog about being a Proverbs 31 man, although I have a better understanding of the role of a man, particularly Christian men. The below post captured my thought very well. I will recommend Dr Myles Munroe's book- Understanding the purpose and power of men for men and women to read so as to increase your knowledge of this topic and above all, the Bible. The Bible covers everything.

Here is the Post:
Ever wondered if all men qualified to be with the ‘Virtuous Woman’ described in Proverbs 31? This is time to think about it. Who exactly is the Proverbs 31 man? 
  • The Proverbs 31 man is a King; a man of great influence, power and importance. 
  • A man whose priority is the Kingdom he oversees. 

His mother, who knew what he would become, constantly spoke wise words of instructions. He paid so much attention to her words that it stuck with him for life and became his personal guide with women and royal duties. The Bible calls believers ‘Kings’ and ‘Priests’ (Revelations 1:6). We are overseers of God’s kingdom here on earth. Before I go further, let me ask you these question: Are you a King?! Do you walk worthy of this calling? Are you born again? How much of your time, money and resources are spent for the Kingdom? If your answers are negative, why do you deserve the ‘Virtuous Woman’? Why do you want to be treated like a King? 

Give not your strength to [loose] women, nor your ways to those who and that which ruin and destroy kings.
It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to desire strong drink,(Proverbs 31:3-4 AMP)

I believe these words are clear enough. As a young man, where and who does your strength go to? How protective are you of God’s Kingdom? As a married man, are you faithful to your wife? Who are your friends? Are they on the path of life or on the path of destruction? This wise mother taught her son not to drink wine or desire strong drink because it could make him forget the laws in the Kingdom, pervert justice or abuse the decrees in the Kingdom. As believers, we have a far greater alternative to these things – The Holy Spirit. The bible says in Ephesians 5:18 that instead of being drunk with wine let the Holy Spirit fill you continually. 

As a Christian brother (young, single or married), God’s laws encompasses every issue and you have the Holy Spirit to expound any grey areas. The wisdom to handle everything that pertains to you is through Him as well. God’s wisdom is first of all pure (James 3:17). It is not the wisdom of fables, customs, wise sayings, tales or traditions from any village, tribe or ethnic group. You need to soak up God’s word to the point where it guides what to do and say per time. Be bold! Stand up for righteousness and judge rightly. The things around you must not dictate how you operate. God’s word must be your standard at all times. It was after the King’s mother gave these instructions (refer to verses 5-9) that she went ahead to ask in Verse 10 (AMP): “A capable, intelligent, and [b]virtuous woman –WHO IS HE WHO CAN FIND HER? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.” 

In conclusion, in order to find and recognize the Virtuous woman, you must be somebody of worth yourself: You must be a King! It takes a man of worth to recognize the value in any woman. She may be right before you yet you can never know her worth. If you do not meet up with the standard of being king yourself, you don’t qualify to seek or find her. God is calling you up to higher grounds. Take up this challenge, allow God work through you and in you, and evolve to be THE KING. Let the King in you arise!
Enjoy your Sunday!
 Remember to visit the new blog that I'm following and supporting (

-Myss Lafunky

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