Tuesday 16 May 2023

Honour God In Your Job

Hello Everyone,

How is your week going? I hope you are doing well. I would love to share a story in the Bible with you tonight. It's about honouring God in our jobs. 

Do you know that God wants you to honour Him in all aspects of your life? 

There were 2 beautiful Hebrew women in the Bible called Shiphrah and Puah. I chose to call them beautiful because they feared the Lord in their lives and when they experienced temptation. 

Shiphrah and Puah worked as midwives (Exodus 1:15). The king (Pharoah) had asked them to kill all the newborn baby boys as soon as they were born while he asked Shiphrah and Puah to let the newborn baby girls live. 

Pharoah asked for the newborn baby boys to be killed because the Israelites were becoming too many in Egypt and he didn't want them to fight against them as the boys would grow up to become men and they will fight against them.

Would the midwives honour Pharoah or would they disregard his command?

Shiphrah and Puah disregarded Pharoah's command. They chose to honour the Lord because they feared the Lord. The Word of God says in Exodus 1:20-21 that "So God was good to the midwives, and the Israelites continued to multiply, growing more and more powerful. And because the midwives feared God, He gave them families of their own."

Did you read the above Exodus 1:20-21? 

The Word of God says that God was good to the midwives because they feared Him, and He gave them families of their own. The obedience of the midwives also led to the Israelites being multiplied and growing to be more powerful.

Can you see what honouring the Lord in your job or business can lead to?

If the midwives had prioritised honouring the king's command, they would have displeased God. However, they chose to honour the Lord in their careers. They were also fulfilling God's calling even in their day jobs.

Questions For You To Think About

  1. If you were in a similar position as the midwives, would you honour the Lord? 
  2. What is the greatest threat to you honouring the Lord?

I love hearing from you in the comment section. Please take a minute to say hello in the comment section.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Yours in Christ,

Mysses Lafunky

I have a free e-book for you. The book (15 Women of the Bible: How they lived a Purpose-Driven Life). This e-book was written by my Bible Study Group. To download it on Google Drive for free, click here.

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