Tuesday 20 December 2022

Speak with Grace

Hello Everyone,

Compliments of the season! It's the season of Christmas. I hope you are keeping well. Today, I'd like to equip you with the truth of God's Word about "Speaking with Grace."

There are times when actions matter most. There are even times when your mere presence matters most. But there are times when words that you speak openly or privately matter a lot to God. Is this something that you regularly think about?

Do you always remember that the presence of the Lord is with you at all times?

So, wherever you are, speak with grace. Also, ask for the presence of the Lord that is with you to guide whatever you say or write.

Let me share two Scriptures to encourage you today:

1) Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Ephesians 4:29). 

2) Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry (James 1:19).

As you go into the holiday season, remember that words that you speak openly or privately matter a lot to God.

I love hearing from you in the comment section. Please take a minute to say hello in the comment section.

Have a lovely week!

Yours in Christ,

Mysses Lafunky

I have a free e-book for you. The book (15 Women of the Bible: How they lived a Purpose-Driven Life). This e-book was written by my Bible Study Group. To download it on Google Drive for free, click here.

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