Monday 12 September 2022

God Can Speak Anywhere and Anytime

Hello Readers & Followers,

How are you? How really are you doing? I hope you are well. Thank God for preserving our lives to see a new week. 

Recently, my husband and I were discussing the uniqueness of our God Almighty, and how we are still learning and knowing about Him every day. We also spoke about how God can speak with us anywhere and at any time, and we reminded each other of the importance of not limiting where we think God should speak to us and the timing that He should speak to us. God does not sleep, so He can speak at any time. The Psalmist says in Psalm 122:4 that "Indeed, He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps."

I have written a number of books and in each of the books, God told me the title including the content of the books and He said He had prepared people that would be blessed by the books. My books are available on Amazon. You can search for my name (Funke Ogunoiki) on Amazon to purchase any of my books. 

Also, there had been times that a Bible verse keeps coming back to me over and over again through my personal Bible study time or in church or through an online sermon that I listened to or through an article that I read or through something that someone had shared. God always finds a way to speak to us and to get our attention.

God can speak to you anywhere about anything and at any time. I remember a time when I was looking for my ring and how God directed me to where my ring was. I also remember a time God told me that the kingdom of darkness was angry with a message that I taught and how the devil was going to use a fellow Christian to come and attack me. By the time the person was used by the devil to say something, I was alert and I prayed for the person. 

With some of my books, God spoke to me about the content while I was looking after my children, feeding them, some, while I was in the kitchen cooking, and some while I was sleeping. My husband recently told me that there was a time that he was in the shower and God spoke to him about a message that we needed to write to produce one of our evangelism tracts. Isn't it amazing to know that God can speak to us anywhere, about anything, and at any time?

I'd like to encourage you to be ready to 'catch' from God as He can speak anywhere and at any time to you. Spend time in His Word so that you can be sure it is God that is speaking to you as God does not contradict Himself. 


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for reminding me that You can speak to me anywhere and at any time no matter where I am,

When you are speaking, Lord Jesus, help me to recognise your voice,

When you have spoken, help me to follow your Word

In Jesus' name,



When God speaks to you, type His Word to you on your electronic device or in your journal or diary so that you can remember what God has said to you.

I love hearing from you in the comment section. Please take a minute to say ‘hello’ by leaving a comment. 

Yours in Christ,

Mysses Lafunky

I have a free e-book for you. The book (15 Women of the Bible: How they lived a Purpose Driven Life). This e-book was written by my Bible Study Group. To download it on Google Drive for free, click here.

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