Monday 18 January 2021

Fasting In Biblical Times

Hello Readers & Followers,

How are you doing? How was your weekend? I hope you've had a lovely weekend. Are you enjoying the current series on fasting and prayer? I am certain you would have gained new knowledge. You can always send me an email ( or leave a comment below to share your learning; I love hearing from you.

This week, I am continuing the series on fasting and prayer. This is the 3rd of 4 teachings in this series. If you missed the last two topics, please click these links (Christian Attitude to Fasting) and (10 Reasons Why Christians Should Fast) to read.

Examples of fasting in the Bible

The Bible contains various examples of people that fasted for different reasons. For example, the people of Nineveh fasted as a national emergency to repent of their sins (Jonah 3:5-10) and the Lord was gracious and merciful to them. Also, we have the account of Ezra, the Bible recorded that Ezra proclaimed a fast when the Jews faced an unsafe travel situation when they returned to Jerusalem from their exile in Babylon (Ezra 8:21-23). They fasted for God's protection as they travelled and the Lord protected them.

Furthermore, we have the example of Daniel, who fasted and prayed for God's mercy and for God to bring his prophecy to pass (Daniel 9). 

There are other examples of people that fasted during Biblical times. Today, I will be focusing on the following:

  • Moses
  • Elijah
  • Jesus Christ
  • Queen Esther
  • Jewish Leaders
  • Paul


Moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before receiving the commandments of God. He did not eat any food nor drink water (Deuteronomy 9:9). God clearly strengthened him. Moses was with God throughout the whole 40 days. What does this tell us? Fasting can help us in our fellowship with God. 


Elijah fasted while escaping from Jezebel. The Bible recorded that Elijah travelled for 40 days and 40 nights in the strength of the food he had previously been fed by the angel until he arrived at Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:7-8). 

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in preparation for the work that was ahead of him. You can read more about Jesus' fasting in Matthew 4

An interesting fact about the above men is that they were full of tremendous power and they were used mightily by God. They all fasted for 40 days and 40 nights.

Queen Esther

Queen Esther fasted for 3 days for the safety of her people (Jews). This was a national emergency as the Jews were going to be killed. Queen Esther proclaimed a fast, the Lord granted her boldness to approach the King and the Lord granted her favour. The Jews were not killed. You can read more about this story in the book of Esther 4 and Esther 5.

Jewish Leaders

In Acts 23:12, when a group of Jewish leaders made a promise that they would not eat or drink until they had killed Paul. This is to show us that some people fast for evil intentions. As previously discussed in the last article, God does not honour such a fast.


Paul fasted after his conversion to Christianity. It was recorded in Acts 9:9 that Paul did not eat nor drink; he was prioritising his intimacy with God as God told Ananias that Paul was praying (see Acts 9:11).

The teaching for today shows us examples, from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, of people who fasted and obtained great results. The people that obtained great results, fasted with a good purpose. Do not forget the Jewish leaders that fasted with an evil intention; the Lord did not honour their fast. 

If this article has blessed you — would you like to share it with someone? Send it to a friend, on your social media platforms, family members, and many more.

Also, I love hearing from you in the comment section. Please take a minute to say ‘hello’ by leaving a comment.

I would like to ask you for a favour this week, are you able to fast your time? This means, give God more of your time this week, don't give Him your leftover time. Spend your first 10 minutes with Him in the morning and your last 10 minutes with Him before you dose off at night. Please, let me know how it goes through the comment section or via email (

I am praying for you to experience God's mercy throughout this week in Jesus' name. 

Have a lovely week!

Yours in Christ,

Mysses Lafunky


  1. I have been blessed by all January 2021 articles. Many thanks

    1. Awww you're welcome. Glad the articles have been a blessing. Thank you for stopping by.
