Friday 23 October 2020

Would You Change Anything About Year 2020?

 Hello Readers & Followers,

How are you today? How is your week going? A lot has happened in the year 2020 and a lot is still happening. There are probably things that you would like to change about this year or you were worried about this year or still worried about. I'd like you to know that God sees and hears everything; nothing is hidden from Him.

God said He will restore the years/times everything that you have lost and as His children, you will never be put to shame (Joel 2:25-27 Paraphrased). Do you know why this statement was made by God? Let me briefly explain it to you.
The children of Israel had sinned against God. They had committed atrocities that God was not pleased with. Prophet Joel (Joel 1:2) said what was happening at the time had never happened before. God then asked Prophet Joel to inform His children to undertake a spiritual exercise (to proclaim a fast) and for all the children of Israel to gather together including children and nursing babes for them to proclaim a fast and to render their hearts (a call to repentance) unto God (Joel 2:12-17). Blessings came after they repented and fasted, God restored their land, economy, and everything that they had lost (Joel 2:18-27). I would like you to know that God is going to restore everything. The glory of the latter shall be greater than the former, says the Lord. The Lord said He will bring peace (Haggai 2:9). So, I'd like you to continue with your year and take time out to ask the Lord for what He would like you to complete for Him before the end of 2020.

Have a lovely weekend!
Mysses Lafunky

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