Monday 10 April 2017

Interview | Lively Stones Founder, Yemisi Ajeojo Shares Her Journey Into Christianity

Hello Readers and Followers,

Welcome to another Christianity Explored Interview. Our guest today is the founder of Lively Stones, Yemisi Ajeojo.

I met Yemisi about two years ago (2015). She volunteered to usher for a Christian music concert where I was honoured to coordinate the ushers. 
Among the volunteers, Yemisi was one of the people that stood out for me. Her love for God was noticeable in her discussions and she couldn't wait to tell me about the Christian ministry that the Lord has given her. When I found out the year she was at the University as well as her age, I was elated and extremely proud of her. I am an advocate of Ecclesiastes 12:1 which says Remember your Creator in the days of your youth as there won't be another day like the days of your youth (paraphrased). It pleases me when young people serve God and go above and beyond to do things for God.

Follow me as Myss Lafunky (ML) finds out more about Yemisi Ajeojo (YA)

ML:Tell us a little bit about yourself

YA: Hi, I am Yemisi Ajeojo, I am 20, don't tell anyone I told you... LOL. I am a student at Aston University and also the founder of  Lively Stones UK. I am so easily touched by issues relating to young people and that's what inspired Lively Stones. Lively stones is my little effort at providing a compass for the development of Christian youth on campus.

ML: How and When did you become a Christian, born again Christian?

YA: I grew up in a Christian home, so the question of when I became a christian is like one of those questions you look up and bite your nails over. Right from before I could speak, I was already marking attendance in church. 

Nonetheless, as I grew older and could sift chaff from actual food, I found out that I enjoyed serving in church. So from as young as I can possibly remember, I was either teaching in church, singing in the choir, or in every capacity I could muster, serving in multiple leadership positions.

As with every youth with a tonne of energy to dispense, I realised that I functioned in these capacities because it came naturally to me not necessarily because I knew God or had a relationship with him and this point in itself was where I hit a huge paradigm shift.

You see, as I love to say it, a race in the right direction is the only race awarded a medal. So it is very easy to get very busy and be like a child on a rocking chair... many swings on the same spot. I grew up in a very religious environment, so it was very easy to swing as everyone did, be engulfed in religious activities because everyone did and everyone expected you to... all activities, no real results.

I am most appreciative of the fact that reality hit me a lot sooner and I started thinking "this can't be all God had in store for me." Occasionally, I heard people talk about God so intimately and I knew that I wanted that too not for the 'Me too' experience. I just needed to know God for myself, you know, have a friend that owned the world... I've always liked to live larger than life itself. 

I became hungrier for a relationship with God and to really know him at the age of 15 when I moved to the UK to study. Coming here, presented me with so much freedom and independence that I had never had before. For the first time, I was presented a choice and quite frankly, it was easy for me to put a stop to all the things that God represented but here I was making a conscious choice to follow Christ.

So, I knew that if I wanted to continue in the faith, it had to be a decision that I fully understood and wanted to make for myself. I needed to grow beyond activity, mere talk and trying to intentionally sound Christian as is the cliche. I needed to consciously love Christ for me, not for what I could give but for the immense love he offered on the cross. 

It was this hunger and a lot of other personal encounters that brought me to a place of having a relationship with God, a better understanding of what his love really is.

So, forgive me if I overshot this, but if I had to place a date to it, I will say I became a born again Christian in 2012.

ML: How has the journey been?

YA: You remember I talked about getting involved in activities that led nowhere? The real love of the father has liberated me from all guilt and all of the activities I would normally do to make myself earn the love of the father. The journey has thus far taught me that there is nothing I can to earn his love, He loves enough for two and that his perfect love knows no fear.

In becoming a Christian and having a relationship with God, I had to unlearn and relearn a lot of things about faith and about God. In knowing God, I have found myself and found freedom from a lot of things. I have also found peace even in the most difficult circumstance. It has been a journey of constant learning and growing, there is always something new to learn. The father is constantly unveiling different sides of himself the more fellowship I have with him.

ML: What has Christianity taught you?

YA: Having a relationship with the God who owns all of life and is still so mindful of me is the most empowering and awesome feeling ever. 

Christianity has also taught me to live like an ambassador and to realise that all of life's imperfections is only a shadow of the perfection that is God's kingdom. 

Christianity has taught me that Jesus is the peace in my storms, my water walker, my heavy burden sharer, my way maker. Christ has taught me to call things that be not as though they were, put flesh and all of the world's offerings under the subjection of the word among others that would be too much to mention.

I have learnt that as a Christian, you can’t grow without a community - the body of Christ. 
Also, it is important to have a personal encounter and revelation if one is to truly grow and not be moved by just any wind of doctrine.

I am very thankful to everyone who has been influential in my Christian walk, but I am even more thankful that God chased after me all my life and that he didn't leave me despite my imperfections. So, with the desire he has placed in me, I constantly seek truth and unveil new layers of his abounding love for me. With this seeking comes deeper revelations which has kept me here.

ML: Is this a journey that you want to continue in or stop?

YA: My answer is simply... have you seen those kids that love candy and chocolate bars so much? That is a crude description of the  utmost satisfaction I have found from knowing Jesus. His love is so breathtaking.

ML: Any tips for our readers who are contemplating whether they should be a born again Christian or not or to anyone feeling discouraged about their relationship with God?

YA: I wouldn't term it tips, I would say practical steps because in essence, Christianity is moving your feet rather than been static. 

First, I've found that it's easier to win at life when you are teamed up with the one who created all of life... kinda what the stockbrokers would call insider trading. Imagine you could live life knowing you would win at every twist and turn? That's how life as a Christian is... there is this immense advantage and head-start you get at life, it doesn't sound fair, but life isn't after all. I am not saying that things will always be easy and rosy, but you will experience peace that passes all human understanding no matter your circumstance. It is beyond what words can do justice to.

Feeling discouraged about your relationship with God? then you are definitely doing it wrong. I will try in my best way possible to help. 

First, you need to cut off from legalities, by that I mean don't get caught up in activities, stop trying to please God by yourself and let him love himself through you... remember scriptures says you are a vessel and we are his workmanship created unto every good work. We start struggling in our relationship with God when we try to do it with our efforts. Remember the parable of the lost coin? have you asked yourself what the coin did to be found? Nothing! The woman went in search of the Coin. Believers, the love of God for you is unconditional, you can't deserve it by your actions. Love God because he loves you first not because of the endless battle to earn the righteousness you already have by the gift of the cross. Righteousness is a gift, so stop trying to pay for his love and acceptance with your actions, let your love for him be an effect of the love you have received and you will find that your relationship with him will flourish in ways that you never imagined.

Also, being in the right community is very important as a Christian. So, having people around you who have a passion for God, you can be honest and vulnerable with as well as people that can lovingly correct and help you grow is very essential to your Christian walk. 

If you are holding back from a relationship with God because you have difficult questions that no one has been able to answer, I want you to know that God is not intimidated by your difficult questions, and he wants to give you the life that only he can. If you are wondering whether you should give your life to God or not, Jesus is the way the truth and life, and a relationship with God through Jesus is the best decision you can ever make.

You can follow Yemisi on:

Facebook: Yemisi Ajeojo
Twitter: Yemisi Ajeojo
Facebook: Lively Stones
Twitter: Lively Stones UK.

Thank you for being part of our series.

Have a lovely week everyone. See you next week for another series of Christianity Explored. 

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