Monday 3 April 2017

Motivational Writer tells us about his Christian Faith

Hello Readers and Followers!

Welcome to a new month and another week. How has the 1st quarter of the year gone for you?

I hope you have been following our series on Christianity explored. There's so much to learn from people's accounts of their Christianity. Have you taken time to also reflect on your Christian faith?

As you read through Abraham's responses to the interview questions below, take time to also ask yourself the same questions.

Join me as Myss Lafunky (ML) finds out more about Abraham (AB)

ML: Tell us a little bit about yourself

AB: My name is Abraham King, I love God, my wife Rachel and people. 

ML: When did you become a Christian, a born again Christian?

AB: I became a Christian by personal conviction. My parents are priests but I never saw the need to be a Christian. In fact, I did not go to church with them. I lived by a moral compass but just before I got admission into the university, I had an encounter which changed the course of my life. I am happy I know Christ and privileged to share the compassion of Christ with others.

ML: How has the journey been?

AB: It’s been a discovery and adventure. When I met Christ, I thought the journey of faith was simple and my new identity gave me an easy pass in any endeavour. But no, I had to work out my salvation and start the process of sanctification. My lifestyle changed – dressing, outings, friends, communication, habits and entertainment picks.

ML: What has Christianity taught you?

AB: Christianity has taught me that it is through Jesus that we have redemption of sins and have access to the Kingdom of God. One thing about Christianity is that, with God on your side, you are always a winner and can always bounce back from any set back.

ML: Is this a journey that you want to continue in or stop?

AB: I have chosen this journey or rather this journey has chosen me. In fact, if after our time on earth and I am told that it was a hoax, I will still be fulfilled knowing fully well I already experienced heaven on earth.

ML: Any tips for our readers who are contemplating whether they should be a born again Christian or not or to anyone feeling discouraged about their relationship with God?

AB: I post daily inspirational messages on Instagram @able360, one of my posts says, "cancer is real, poverty is real, pain is real, debt is real, evil is real but Jesus is the real deal". Our journey in life is filled with bumps and bricks, the best person to help us navigate the troubled waters is Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life.

For Abraham's daily motivational messages, follow him on:
Instagram:  @able360

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