Monday 19 March 2018

Becoming like Jesus Christ In Character

Hello Readers & Followers,

How was your weekend? Hope you had a lovely weekend and hope it wasn't too tiring? Last week was quite interesting for me actually as my character in Christ was tested immensely due to how someone related with me. 

As you read this excerpt of a sermon by my husband, I'd like you to take time to reflect on your character and honestly ask yourself, is it really like Christ's character? If it is not, this is an opportunity to become like Jesus Christ in character and also to ask the Holy Spirit to help you. 

It is to be noted that my husband and I are still becoming like Jesus Christ in character. We do not want you to think that we are perfect but we are on a journey to perfection. We know that there had been times that we fell short and there had also been times that we knew that God was pleased with our characters. We would not want to dwell on past achievements but rather, we want to focus on where we are now and where God is taking us.

Here goes this week's post...

Becoming Like Jesus Christ In Character

When you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. Like a mirror, the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Jesus Christ. We should have the same attitude as Jesus Christ. See Philippians 2:5-8

4 major qualities that Jesus possessed that we ought to copy and practice are:

1) Prayer: Matthew 26:36-41 Jesus prayed in Gethsemane and told the disciples to watch and pray so they will not enter into temptation. Not just any kind of prayer, there was emphasis on aligning our prayers in line with God's purpose and plan for us. Therefore, it is good to pray for the will of God. Matthew 23:14. Christ could have prayed that the cup of crucifixion be taken away from Him, but He didn't. He could have prayed that the day of crucifixion be moved further but He didn't instead He prayed for God's will to be done.

The book of John chapter 17 tells us about staying connected to the source of our power. Jesus prayed as many times as He could; Jesus never wanted to be separated from His father so He prayed at all times to maintain that channel of communication. Not just willing to pray but putting aside all busy schedules and praying.

2) Humility: The bible says that Jesus Christ humbled Himself and became obedient even to the point of death. Sometimes, when we pray and ask God to help us develop the spirit of patience that's when people come specially to provoke you just to test how much that patience is worth to you. Our human nature does not want us to be humble. Jesus washed the disciples feet with love thereby teaching us humility to even those we have authority over. 

In Mathew 17:24-28, Jesus humbled Himself to the authority that was in Government and He did not wield His power around aimlessly just to prove that He was the son of God. Instead He commanded Peter to go fishing and for him to bring the money he finds in the mouth of the fish to pay tax. 

The book of Romans 13:1-2 reminds us that all leaders and people in the authorities that exists are placed by God for a purpose, therefore we should obey them by doing our bit.

3) The Way Jesus Spoke: The bible describes the tongue as a powerful tool though small but directs life. See the book of James 3:5, Proverbs 18:21. Therefore Jesus Christ spoke positive words to the people. Mathew 9:23-26 made us to understand that when Jesus Christ said the girl is not dead but asleep the people ridiculed Jesus but this did not deter him from waking the girl up. 

"Always give thoughts to your words before they are spoken because your word is life and once spoken, it is difficult to reverse" - Mysses Lafunky's husband.

4) Forgiveness: Mathew 18:21-22 states that Jesus Christ commands us to forgive our neighbours up to 70 x 7. Forgiveness is not for the other person alone because if we don't forgive then we are also at the risk of not being forgiven.

Let's Talk...

  • What character of Jesus Christ do you already exhibit? (keep it up! :))
  • Do you have any recent experience that you did not reflect the characters of Jesus Christ? A) What happened? B) How did you handle it? C) And how would you handle, if a similar incident was to occur in the future? 

Prayer for Today

Merciful Lord, help me to become more like You. May I live a life that is more like You always. Lord Jesus, even when my character is being tested, help me to react like the way you will react in Jesus name. 
Merciful Lord, please forgive me for different ways that I had displayed characters (both in the open and secret) that did not reflect who you are.

Have a lovely week! Remember to interact with us by answering our "Let's Talk" questions.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for this. The character of Christ we have developed privately comes out in public for the world to see. May we all continue to be like Christ in all we do. The world would surely be better for it.
